7pm EDT, Tuesday, May 28th 2024 (US/Canada)
What is Creatively Embodied?
Creatively Embodied is a body image group using therapeutic art making to help you build skills and insight to nurture a more peaceful relationship with yourself and your body. Our group is a warm and nurturing space for anyone who experiences a high level of body criticism and finds it difficult to access self-compassion or soothe emotions. If you’re ready to learn and work on what keeps you stuck in this dynamic this group is for you. No art skills or 'talent' needed.
Over the span of seven sessions you will discover and learn in-depth ways of using the concept of a 'body narrative' with our art therapist Ashlee Bennett. You will explore the themes, characters and dynamics of your story to re-experience your body in a less critical and more compassionate way. I will guide you through this process and support you to feel empowered to reclaim your body narrative from society and embody your right to re-define your story.

As an art therapist, I develop unique, powerful and creative healing approaches for people struggling with body image and disconnection from the self. We work together using basic art materials and a willingness to step into the creative unknown, even if you’re not 'good' at art.
What you receive from Creatively Embodied
Seven, 90-minute sessions with a registered art therapist and body image specialist.
​​A small group environment with a maximum of 10 to 14 participants - lots of genuine connection with likeminded people.
​A therapeutic, creative method captured in take home resources and worksheets you can use time and time again to continue your body image healing even after the group ends.
​A nurturing, reparative space to express and honour what it's been like in your body without needing to use words alone.​​
​Guidance and real-time practice for how to use the creative process to see your body from a compassionate, less critical lens​​.
Each session will follow a similar structure of welcome/check-in, psychoeducation, verbal sharing, art experiential and verbal processing. Verbal sharing/processing is also optional, you do not need to share if you don't feel comfortable and will still benefit.
Session Overview
Each session will follow a similar structure of welcome/check-in, psychoeducation, verbal sharing, art experiential and verbal processing. Verbal sharing/processing is also optional, you do not need to share if you don't feel comfortable and will still benefit.
Values to expect during Creatively Embodied:
Ashlee is committed to ensuring group spaces are fat positive, anti-diet and trauma-informed. The education in this group will be grounded within social justice and intersectional feminist understandings of the body. You are not required to have an in-depth understanding of these perspectives, but agree to have an open, curious mind.
Why art making?
Art has an important role in this group – it’s not there to make you feel bad about your skills or lack of 'talent'. In fact, talent or skills has nothing to do with the way we use art in this group. Art making helps you access and express your inner world and develop interoceptive awareness. This inner awareness helps you build your body literacy and supports you get to know the unique language of your body. This is important as interoceptive awareness plays a role in emotional regulation, positive body image and embodiment. As art making is woven throughout, it means you are using your whole brain, rather than just the top 'cognitive' part. This helps integrate what you learn and discover in our group in a way that’s uniquely meaningful to you, instead of just understanding it on an intellectual level.

Materials you need:
Colour pencils and markers
Oil pastels (12 colours is often enough)
Watercolour and 3 brushes of various sizes
Air dry clay or ceramic clay 1kg or 2lb (required for session 5 and 7)
A visual/art journal at least A4 or 8x11in
Pencil and eraser
Any other art material you enjoy or want to try
Schedule and Sign Up
Upcoming Creatively Embodied Groups:
Open for Registration:
USA/Canada EASTERN - Online via Zoom (EST) Tuesdays: 7pm - 8.30pm Eastern Time. Start: May 28th 2024 for 7 consecutive weeks (end date July 9th 2024).
$420 AUD (approx $285USD)
Payment plans available. A $100 AUD ($68 USD) deposit or the full fee is required upon booking, with the balance/1st payment due 2 weeks before group starts. Please email after booking to indicate you would like a payment plan.
Please ensure you can commit to the session schedule as outlined on this page as refunds cannot be offered after the balance has been paid or instalment schedule has commenced. Special circumstances considered. Withdrawing from the group with short notice or during the group means your space will not be filled. Deposits are non-refundable.
Unable to attend a session:
Sessions are not recorded to preserve confidentiality, if you are unable to attend a session, you will still receive the slides and related resources to catch up between sessions.